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-   -   兔子try make a chat room ba (http://www.aolai.org/forums/t51/)

wdn 2002-05-28 14:49

兔子try make a chat room ba
if make a chat room like mud, then even server shutdown

can still find a place to hangout, just apply for some free chat room la. and make a link here

fengyue_xyj 2002-05-28 19:57

let me have a try
i will have a try. but so far i want to solve the dead decoder problem.
and after that, i have to update the website, then add a chating, hope it won't cost me a long time.

winner 2002-05-28 22:17


damine 2002-05-28 22:24

就在mud力面聊就可以了嘛........如果支持语音,倒可以考虑开个chat room

kemimi 2002-05-30 19:32

mud 里就可以聊天嘛

winner 2002-05-31 21:40


abkl 2002-06-01 13:50

"then even server shutdown

can still find a place to hangout"

all papaya. I said if cant go to mud, then still can chat la....


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