旧 2002-06-26   #9
级别:14 | 在线时长:545小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:14 | 在线时长:545小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:14 | 在线时长:545小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:14 | 在线时长:545小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:14 | 在线时长:545小时 | 升级还需:55小时
suxue 的头像
注册: 02年05月27日
来自: 上海
帖子: 418
声望力: 27
声望: 13 suxue 闻道则喜
致谢数: 0
Talking to ever

dun and never use qingwang in mieyao... or you will have big trouble
qingwang is effective on leitai, yes, and really useless to npc. and if you cast qingwang on a npc, the chances is that, if you kill the npc before your qingwang busy on him finished, you will never be able to cast qingwang again unless you quit and relogin.
last time i fight with dancer GG and stupidly cast qingwang on his hufa... fool. then dancer GG kick me out of leitai and i never be able to cast qingwang leh... system always tell me you have already set out a net... idle
slogan dancer

moonshentong useful on fc, wdd, hell and putuo. lg and xs soso, wzg sux... slogan wzg. i hate wzg the most. if have wzg guai, the best way is perform wuxue first, call hufa, and pure fight... fool ever. if not last guai, suggested you can get a jingang zhuo then ji zhuo to get his weapon. i have tried before to perform wuxue first, then change to jueqingbian pure fight with my guai. seems jueqingbian is much easier to hit the guai but the damage is not so big compared to snowsword.

i am not moon hh lah... i think better ask ask xinxing, history or mist, they should know better than i do... fool...

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