說起ever 的情史
[14] 看來我只能在這裡悄悄地對 Everdd 叮噹 表達愛意了. 誰(Roto)(Sun Feb 23)
she doesn't like to talk with me a lot.
though I thought we were from the same city,
with the same background, maybe same childhood,
same enviornment.
i just feel like the she is the only perfect girl I have ever seen, EVER seen.
as i as far far apart from my hometown,
it came out of nature that being easily attracted by something from out of
hope she could read this post one day, and,
being a little warmer to me.
perhaps I only should ask a friendship.
[15] faint............... 草木仁(Ultima)(Thu Feb 27)
roto you are a brave man or girl??(who knows)
no comment except that i absolutely agree with your last sentence
it is not "perhaps" but "absolutely" just ask for a friendship
or.... what else are you trying to get other than friendship?